Planning Permission for the following development
(1) Demolition of existing rear extension and construction of a new 3 storey extension to the rear of Premises known as O’Donnell’s Bar and Lounge which comprises of
(a) Change of use and extension of existing ground floor storage area to provide 3 no. en suite bedrooms
(b) Development of a new extension incorporating ground floor lounge, kitchen, toilets, stairwells and ancillary storage areas
(c) 13 no. en-suite bedrooms to first floor level with ancillary accommodation
(d) 13 no. en-suite bedrooms to second floor level with ancillary accommodation
(2) Remove pitched roof over existing 3 storey premises facing The Diamond and
construction of a new raised wall plate and pitched roof over and
(3) Associated Site Development Works.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Donegal Granted permission on 13th December 2024 take the free trial here.