The development will comprise the construction of 1 No. light industrial unit with ancillary offices, staff facilities and associated development and 1 No. building for the servicing of vehicles and associated storage/depot as follows: Unit X (light industrial) will have a maximum parapet height of 13 metres (with a projecting window over with a maximum height of 16.3 metres), with a gross floor area of c. 1,533 sqm including a workshop area (c. 1,364 sqm) and ancillary office space and staff facilities (c. 169 sqm); and Unit Y (for the storage and servicing of vehicles) will have a maximum height of 13 metres with a gross floor area of c. 1,855 sqm including a workshop area (c. 1,546 sqm) and ancillary office and staff facilities (c. 309 sqm). The development will also include: the repositioning and and modification of the permitted attenuation (as granted under KCC Reg. Ref. 22/627) including the provision of 2 No. additional attenuation areas; vehicular and pedestrian access points; 76 No. car parking spaces, loading bay; bicycle parking; HGV marshalling yards; level access goods doors; gates; signage; internal roadways; lighting; plant; boundary treatments; hard & soft landscaping; and all associated site development works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Kildare Applied for on 6th March 2024 take the free trial here.