The construction of a single data centre building located to the north of the site, with an overall gross floor area of c. 29,076 sq.m across two levels and an overall maximum height of c. 22.764m at parapet level. The data centre building includes data halls and associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms (c. 23,908 sq.m), an administrative and staff services block (c. 5,052 sq.m) and circulation and stairs (c. 116 sq.m). 2 no. external terraces are proposed to the east of the building (c. 309 sq.m) and an external generator yard to the south of the building (c. 5,205 sq.m) accommodating 25. no. backup or dispatchable generators and associated flues (to a height of c. 21.164m) within an enclosed compound. The construction of a sprinkler tank and pump house to the northeast of the site, the sprinkler tank is an overall height of c. 7.2 m and the pump house is a single storey building with an overall height of c. 4.15m and area GFA of c. 40.23 sq.m. The construction of an entrance hut at the main access to the south of the site, the hut is an overall height of c. 3.225m and area GFA of c. 11.6 sq.m. Construction of 2 no. site access points from the south and internal road network and circulation areas, footpaths, cyclist infrastructure, the provision of 56 no. car parking spaces (including 12 EV charging spaces and 7 disabled spaces, 3 of them EV), 20 no. cycle parking spaces, hard and soft landscaping and planting, site lighting, PV panels and plant at roof level, foul water connection connecting to existing WWTP in Killala Business Park, boundary treatments, green walls and all associated and ancillary works including underground foul and storm water drainage network and utility cables and all ancillary works and services. An EPA-Industrial Emissions Directive (IE) licence will be applied for to facilitate the operation of the proposed development. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application and the EIAR and NIS will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority.
To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Mayo Applied for on 21st November 2024 take the free trial here.