The development proposed will supersede the permitted ICT Facility 4 under Reg. Ref.: SD20A/0309, as previously amended under Reg. Ref.: SD22A/0093 and Reg. Ref.: SD23A/0158. A five-year planning permission is sought in respect of this proposed development. The proposed development comprises the following:
• Construction of an ICT Facility Building (ICT Facility 4), with a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 15,744 sq.m and a parapet height of c. 21.80m (with flues located at roof level, c. 4.5m over parapet height), over 3 no. levels, located in the southern portion of the wider landholding. This ICT Facility includes an associated external plant area of c. 1,796 sq.m over two levels, accommodating 22 no. emergency generators and associated flues.
• The ICT Facility building will accommodate ICT equipment halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, loading bays, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas and screened plant.
• Construction of ancillary structures including a guard hut, fire hydrant water storage tanks, fire hydrant pump plantroom, water mist fire protection pump plantroom and water tanks, and cold water plantroom to the west of the proposed ICT Facility 4.
• Construction of a revised internal road network and circulation areas to serve ICT Facility 4, footpaths, provision of 25 no. car parking spaces (including 2 no. disabled parking bays) and 18 no. cycle parking spaces within a bike shelter.
• Lighting, boundary treatments and all ancillary and associated development (including the construction of an underground foul and storm water drainage network, and utility cables).
• Hard and soft landscaping and planting, lighting, screening, and all associated works, including underground foul and storm water drainage network, boundary treatments and security fencing, attenuation areas, and utility cables.
An EPA-Industrial Emissions Directive (IE) licence will be required to facilitate the operation of the proposed development.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Applied for on 21st August 2024 take the free trial here.