(i) The construction of a new three-storey extension consisting of 10 no. general classrooms, specialist classrooms, and general offices (Total Area = 2767sqm)
(ii) The demolition of the existing entrance lobby and office area (62sqm)) to accommodate
(iii) an enlarged General Purpose Hall and a new link to the existing SEN Unit (267sqm)
(iv) The demolition of 2 No. temporary classrooms (102sqm)
(v) 1 No. Ball-court, 20 No. sheltered Bicycle spaces and associated site works
(vi) 90 No. proposed car parking spaces (of which 17 No. are relocated and 38 No. are added to the existing), 4 No. bus set down areas
(vii) The installation of 50 No. south-facing photo-voltaic panels to the roof of the proposed extension Any excess microgeneration will be put back into the electricity grid
(viii) The construction of a 26 sqm ESB Substation
(ix) An AA Screening has been completed as part of this application.

To find out more details on this School Development in Cavan Granted permission on 9th December 2024 take the free trial here.

Bailieborough Community School

Plans Granted

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