PERMISSION The proposed development comprises the following: Provision of 7-storey ward block (with plant room overhead) to provide healthcare facilities (GFA: 12,655.1 sq.m) comprising 95 no. patient rooms, visitor areas, offices and staff facilities, stair and lift cores, store and plant rooms, with a planted garden at the roof level; Demolition of the following buildings/structures to enable works: Medical Records Building (GFA: 268.2 sq.m); HR and Finance Building (GFA 779.2 sq.m); Block 17 Building (GFA 344.4 sq.m); Hepatology Building (GFA: 469.8 sq.m); Existing Link corridor and associated covered walkway (GFA 471.8 sq.m); Block 16 (GFA: 956.9 sq.m); Retaining Walls & Steps adjacent to existing endoscopy building and wall adjacent to existing hepatology building; Clinical Trials Building (GFA: 133.5 sq.m); Reconfiguration of existing car parking areas to provide 24 no. spaces (net reduction of 7 no. spaces), landscaping, public lighting, boundary wall treatments and extension.
To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Dublin Granted permission on 9th September 2024 take the free trial here.