PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the development at 3 Bachelors Way, Dublin, DO1 W298 and The Bachelor Inn (a Protected Structure RPS Ref. 327), 31 Bachelors Walk, Dublin, DO1 FA48. The proposed development is for a bar and 22-bed hotel in lieu of previously permitted bar and 28-bed hotel (in recently expired approved application Ref 3577/18). The works will consist of: (a) the subdivision of the 2 upper floors of the existing ‘Smallmans Warehouse’ into hotel bedrooms, as previously permitted; (b) the conversion of the 2 upper floors to ‘The Bachelor Inn’ (Protected Structure) from function rooms to hotel rooms, as previously permitted; (c) the conversion of the existing first floor of the middle portion of the property from licensed premises to hotel accommodation, as previously permitted; (d) the construction of an additional 2nd floor to the existing 2 storey middle portion of the property for hotel accommodation, as previously permitted; (e) relocation of the toilets to the basement, as previously permitted; (f) alterations to the shop-front including alterations to the ground floor windows and the reinstatement of the corner entrance to improve, the entrance from Bachelors Walk, as previously permitted; (g) the new proposal for the conversion of the ground floor of existing Smallmans Warehouse’ into dining facilities, reception and kitchen facilities.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Applied for on 9th August 2024 take the free trial here.

3 Bachelors Way

Plans Applied

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