The proposed development seeks a change of use of a portion of the basement and ground floor and the entirety of upper floors (first to fifth floors but excluding the external portion of the fifth floor containing Eir equipment) from telephone exchange to hotel accommodation providing 92 bedrooms, linen rooms and stores as an extension to the ReZz D2 hotel, with reception accessed from Dame Lane.The development requires significant refurbishment and improvement works including internal and external alterations:
– Provision of staff facilities (shower, changing rooms and staff room) and plant room at basement level. – Internal doorway opening at ground floor level between nos.5-6 Dame Court and nos.2-4 Dame Lane (REZz D2 Hotel) to link into Rezz D2 reception accessed from Dame Lane.- Coffee kiosk and shopfront on Dame Court.- Internal modifications at ground and 1st to 5th floors to provide 92 bedrooms, linen rooms and stores. – Elevational upgrades and complete facade overhaul of the building to include revised elevational design and treatment of all elevations. – Bike parking shelter within existing Eir car park to rear.- All site and services works to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 16th December 2024 take the free trial here.