08 Jan 2023 Contract awarded to John Sisk & Son

Update 15/11/2022: Work on phase 1 has begun. It is anticipated it will take two years to complete this first phase. Phase Two will see the provision of a signalling system for the route, CCTV level crossings, trains communications systems and track connections and upgrades at Limerick and Foynes yard, work due to be completed by 2025.

Update 18/08/2022: Tender contract expected to be awarded in late 2022 with an 18 month construction period then expected on the line. The proposed construction contract will include earthworks, the installation of sleepers and rail – supplied by Irish Rail – and also the maintenance and renewal of bridges, culverts, fencing and the road infrastructure at public road level crossings. The contractor will be asked to clear vegetation, and the removal of existing track, a new ballast-bed will be needed, while bridges along the route will need to be made safe. There are 13 level crossings along the route which will need to be renewed, as will boundary fencing and drainage, plus the installation of service routes for future line signalling, telecoms infrastructure and level-crossing automation.


The overall objective of the Limerick to Foynes Line Track & Civils Project is to renew and / or rehabilitate the existing track and civil engineering infrastructure on the 42km Limerick to Foynes line. The proposed construction contract will include the installation of sleepers and rail, and also the maintenance of bridges, culverts and the road infrastructure at public road level crossings.

To find out more details on this Transport Development in Limerick Started on 14th November 2022 take the free trial here.

Limerick to Foynes Line Track


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