The proposed development consists of the construction of a hydrogen production facility comprising a hydrogen compound and contractor’s compound with all associated site access and ancillary site development works. The fuel cell and transport offsite to other sector hydrogen users. The proposed development is to be used for hydrogen production for an operational period of up to five years. The proposed development comprises :

1) 1 megawatt (MW) electrolyser including a water purification unit (40-foot(ft) container) (2.5m x 12.2m x5.4m) with a stack height of 7.7m above ground level,

2) a transformer and control unit container (2.8m x 7.5m x 3.3m) housing a 6.6 kilovolt (kV) to 400kV transformer,

3)a storage container (2.8m x 6.4m x 3.3m),

4) a welfare unit (2.8m x 6.4m x3.3m),

5) a compressor (20ft container) (2.7m x 6.4m x 4.3m),

6) 5 x 2.5kg low pressure (30 bar hydrogen storage MCP units (manifold cylinder pallets) (1m x 1m x 2.1m),

7) 3 x 19kg high pressure (300 bar hydrogen storage MCP units (manifold cylinder pallets) (1m x 1m x 2.1m),

8) 2 x 61kg low pressure (30 bar) hydrogen storage MCP units (manifold cylinder pallets) (1m x 1m x 2.1m),

9) 2 x 31kg high pressure (300 bar) hydrogen storage MCP units (manifold cylinder pallets) (1m x 1m x 2.1m),

10) 4 x 400kg (high pressure) mobile refuelling hydrogen storage vehicles,

11) Heavy goods vehicles (HGV) loading bays with 4m high walls,

12) a palisade fence enclosing the hydrogen compound (2.6m height).

In addition to the above, planning permission is also sought for all ancillary site and development works to facilitate the development including the MCP filling area, internal site access road, 3 no. car parking spaces, 2 no. EV chargers, barrier; lighting and CCTV, drainage infrastructure and pipe racks/cable trays. After up to five years in operation, the decommissioning phase of the proposed development will comprise the removal of the electrolyser, transformer and control unit container, compressor, MCP unit

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 5th March 2024 take the free trial here.

Esb Aghada Generating Station

Plans Granted

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