19 Nov 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions

The proposal involves the construction of 20 turbines with 110kv electrical substation and all related site works and ancillary development.

The project includes for the:

• Construction of 20 no. wind turbines with a blade tip height range from 179m to 185m, a hub height range from 102.5 to 110.5m and a rotor diameter range from 149m to 155m.

• Construction of turbine foundations and crane pad hardstanding areas including associated drainage infrastructure.

• Construction of new permanent site tracks and associated drainage infrastructure.

• Upgrading of existing tracks and associated drainage infrastructure.

• Upgrade of 2 no. existing forestry and agricultural access junctions for construction and operational access from 1) the Local Roads L2750-0/L1123-62 in the townlands of Finnanfield and Ballynagree East and 2) from the Local Road L7461-0 in the townland of Ballynagree West, Co. Cork;

• Upgrade of 2no. existing forestry access junctions for temporary construction access from the Local Road L7461-17 in the townland of Knocknagappul, Co. Cork.

• Use of 1 no. existing forestry and agricultural access junction for operational access only from the Local Road L-7461-44 in the townland of Knocknagappul, Co. Cork.

• Installation of new permanent watercourse and drain crossings and the reuse and upgrade of existing internal watercourse and drain crossings to include 1) the replacement of an existing stone bridge structure with a new clear span concrete bridge structure along the Local Road L-7461-0 in the townland of Ballynagree West and 2) a new clear span concrete bridge structure along a proposed new track in the townland of Carrigagulla, Co. Cork;

• 3 no. on site borrow pits and associated ancillary drainage within the townlands of Carrigagulla and Knocknagappul, Co. Cork.

• 2 no. Temporary construction site compounds and associated ancillary infrastructure including parking within the townlands of Ballynagree West and Carrigagulla, Co. Cork.

• Use of proposed wind farm access tracks and existing forestry and agricultural tracks as permanent recreational amenity trails for community use including the installation of associated signage and information boards and; the partial reinstatement and re-purposing
of the proposed temporary construction compound as a permanent trail head car park and picnic area including associated landscaping within the townland of Ballynagree West;

• Construction of 1 no. permanent on-site 110kV electrical substation including control buildings, electrical plant and equipment, welfare facilities, carparking, water and wastewater holding tanks, security fencing, lightening protection and telecommunications masts, security cameras, external lighting and, all associated infrastructure within the townland of Ballynagree East, Co. Cork;

• Installation of medium voltage underground electrical and communication cabling connecting the wind turbines to the proposed on-site substation and associated ancillary works.

• Installation of permanent high voltage 110kV underground electrical and communication cabling between the proposed on-site substation within the townland of Ballynagree East to the boundary of the existing Clashavoon substation within the townland of Aughinida, Co. Cork. The cabling will be laid primarily within the public road in the townlands of Knocknagappul, Ballynagree East, Ballynagree West, Bawnmore, Clonavrick, Derryroe, Rahalisk, Kilberrihert, Caherbaroul and Aughinida, Co. Cork. Associated works including the installation of 15 no. pre-cast joint bays and communication chambers; and horizontal
directional drilling under 4 no. watercourse crossings in the townlands of 1) Knocknagappul, 2) Knocknagappul and Rahalisk, 3) Rahalisk and Bawnmore and 4) Bawnmore and Clonavrick;

• Tree felling to accommodate the construction and operation of the proposed development.

• Erection of 2no. meteorological masts with a height of 100m above existing ground levels for the measuring of metrological conditions within the townlands of Ballynagree East and Carrigagulla, Co. Cork. A lightning rod will extend above the masts by 4 meters.

• Temporary accommodation works at 6 no. locations adjacent to the public roads to facilitate delivery of turbine components to site within the townlands of Dromagh, Dromskehy, Liscahane, Tullig, Drominahilla, Finnanfield and Ballynagree East, Co. Cork. These works will primarily relate to trimming of trees and hedgerows, temporary lowering of boundary walls, temporary removal of boundary walls, temporary ground reprofiling and installation of temporary stone hard standing.

• Installation of a temporary off-site staging area for turbine components within the curtilage of Drishane Castle which is a Recorded Protected Structure (00319) and National Monument (296), within the townland of Drishane More. The works will include removal of a masonry
wall and installation of temporary stone hard standing area and associated access track and entrances to and from the public road R583.

• All related site works and ancillary development including landscaping and drainage.

A 35-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm is being

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 19th November 2024 take the free trial here.

Townlands of Annagannihy, Aughinida, Ballynagree East, Ballynagree West,

Plans Granted

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