This planning application seeks permission for a 10-year planning permission for a proposed development, generally described as follows:-
i. 9 no. wind turbines with hub height of 104 metres, a rotor diameter of 162 metres and an overall tip height of 185 metres;
ii. All associated foundations and crane hardstanding areas;
iii. All associated underground electrical and communications cabling;
iv. Construction of internal wind farm access tracks and use of, and upgrades to, existing on-site agricultural/forestry tracks and existing site entrance from the L5508 local public road;
v. 1 no. site control building with a Gross Floor Area of 131 square metres;
vi. 1 no. free-standing meteorological mast with an overall height of 104 metres;
vii. 1 no. temporary construction compound;
viii. Felling of 28 hectares of commercial forestry plantation to facilitate the construction of wind farm infrastructure;
ix. The storage of excavated material at 2 no. spoil deposition areas;
x. A 110 kilovolt (kV) ‘loop-in/loop-out’ Air-Insulated Switchgear (AIS) electrical substation, including 2 no. single-storey control buildings (with a Gross Floor Area of 622 square metres) and all associated electrical equipment, services, lighting, and an electricity storage system within a fenced compound (with a total footprint of 15,400 square metres);
xi. 6.3 kilometres of 110kV underground electricity lines accompanied by 2.5km of associated access track, 1 no. site entrance from the L5508 public road and 2 no. site entrances from the L80122 public road;
xii. 2 no. lattice-type end masts with a height of 16 metres to facilitate connection of the proposed electrical substation to the existing 110kV Mullingar-Corduff overhead electricity transmission line;
xiii. All associated and ancillary site development, excavation, construction, landscaping, and reinstatement works, upgrade works to public roads along the turbine component haul route, the provision of site drainage infrastructure and environmental mitigation measures; and
xiv. A 30-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the entire proposed development.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Westmeath Granted permission on 7th October 2024 take the free trial here.