Scoil Mhuire Sinsear National School is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation and the options outlined in the Brief. In summary, the project will comprise: Section A: • 1 x Classroom incl. WC 80.0 m2 • 5 x SET Room 75.0 m2 • Giving a floor area (incl. circulation and internal walls) of: 206.7 m2 Section B • 2 Classroom SEN Base 359.0 m2 • Giving a floor area (incl. circulation and internal walls) of: 459.5 m2 Giving a Gross Floor Area for Section A and B (incl. circulation, internal walls and stairs) 786.0 m2 Section C: General Purpose Room accommodation as part of site masterplan Design Team are required to develop an overall site master plan for Scoil Mhuire Sinsear National School which should include a General Purpose Room accommodation. The General Purpose Room accommodation will not be delivered as part of this project. See Brief for Appointment of Design Team under the Additional Accommodation Scheme for Scoil Mhuire Sinsear National School, Blakestown, Dublin 15, D15YK58, Roll No: 19694R, for details of General Purpose Room accommodation. Also: • Secure Hard and soft play area 100 m2 • Sensory Garden 100 m2 • 6 parking spaces Also: Rooms for Demolition: One Prefab 240 m2

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Scoil Mhuire Senior National School


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