Permission for development. The development will consist of the construction of a new 720 pupil Post-Primary School (approx. 7400m2) comprising 3 and part 2 storey teaching blocks, a sports hall, external play areas, 5 no. hard surfaced ball-courts, 68 no. parking spaces, provision for bicycle racks and vehicular set-down facilities within the school grounds with associated attenuation tanks, together with a new grassed playing pitch located to the West of the new school and all associated landscaping/site works & signage. The school site will be accessed by a new roadway and junction located off Ballymoneen Road, with provision of cycle tracks, footpaths, street lighting and associated landscaping along the length of the roadway – sign for the school will be located at the Ballymoneen Road junction. A new pedestrian-only link is also to be formed with the adjoining Fna Brca residential estate to the south of the site.

To find out more details on this School Development in Galway Started on 17th July 2014 take the free trial here.



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