EXT. OF DURATION: Demolition of existing buildings located to the north of Dartry House and fronting onto Orwell Woods and Orwell Park and the provision of the following: Type A – 10 no. 2-storey with developed roofspace terraced and semi-detached blocks comprising 10 no. 3-bed townhouse-style residential units with private terraces at first and second floor and 10 no. 2-bed courtyard residential units at ground level with private gardens; Type B1 & B2 – 6 no. 3-storey terraced blocks comprising 6 no. 3-bed townhouse-style residential units with private terraces at first and second floor and 6 no. 2-bed courtyard residential units at ground floor with private gardens; Type C – 4 no. 3-storey terraced blocks comprising 4 no. 2-bed townhouse-style residential units with private terraces at first and second floor and 4 no. 1-bed courtyard residential units at ground floor with private gardens; Type D – 3 no. 2-bed 2-storey terraced houses with private gardens; Type E – 5 no. 3-storey terraced blocks comprising 5 no. 3-bed townhouse-style residential units with private terraces at first floor and second floor and 5 no. 2-bed courtyard residential units at ground floor with private gardens; the conversion of the stables/outbuildings of Dartry House (a protected structure) to provide 4 no. 1-bed mews house-style residential units and 4 no. 2-bed mews house-style residential units with courtyard; Type G1 – 4 no. 2-storey over lower ground terraced blocks comprising 4 no. 2-bed townhouse-style residential units with balconies at ground and first floor level and 4 no. 1-bed courtyard residential units at lower ground floor level with balcony/terrace; Type G2 – 5 no. 3-bed 2 storey over lower ground terraced houses with balcony/terraces; Type H – 2 no. 2-bed and 1 no. 1-bed single storey over lower ground terraced house with private terraces; the provision of 106 no. car parking spaces at basement level and 10 no. surface car parking spaces; a single storey ESB sub-station; communal gardens, public open space and all associated infrastructure and site development works including landscaping and boundary treatments. A total of 77 no. residential units are to be provided. Access to the proposed development will be from Orwell Park via the existing vehicular and pedestrian access permitted under planning register references; 0115/03 and 5377/05. New vehicular and pedestrian access to the Type A blocks facing Orwell Park will be provided.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-06-04 take the free trial here.