The construction of a part two-storey, part three-storey primary care centre with a gross floor area of approximately 4,120.0 sq.m. comprising: 3 no. general practitioner surgeries at ground floor level with independent access (810.0 sq.m.); own-door café (38.0 sq.m.); hse child and adolescent mental health facility (596.0 sq.m.); own-door ground floor pharmacy (150.0 sq.m.); plant rooms (76.0 sq.m.); primary healthcare and staff facilities including treatment rooms, staff offices and future expansion area (2,452.7 sq.m.); internal circulation areas and all proposed building and site signage associated with the development (at this site of aproximately 1.42 ha). The development will also consist of the construction of: a vehicular drop-off and collection point; a new vehicular site entrance accessed from church view; 125 car parking spaces; road safety improvements to the public road (church view); bicycle parking; surface water attenuation areas; a new foul sewer located to the southwest at church view; the relocation of the existing ESB substation on the subject site; a secure external bin storage area; revised boundary treatments; pedestrian footpaths; hard and soft landscaping; changes in ground level; and all associated site works above and below ground. The development will also consist of amendments to the vehicular access arrangement and parking layout and revised boundary treatment at the charleville community centre

To find out more details on this Medical Centre Development in Offaly Started on 29th April 2016 take the free trial here.

Church View


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