For a 10 year planning permission for development consisting of an extension to the existing Kildare Tourist Outlet Village (permitted under planning ref. 04/927) known as Kildare Village on a site adjoining to the north of c. 3.24 hectares, at Nurney Road, Kildare town, County Kildare. The proposed development incorporates an additional gross floor area of c. 7,053 sq.m. (the total gross floor area of the existing and proposed Tourist Outlet Village will be c. 18,219 sq.m.) in a one and two storey building form adjoined directly to the existing building complex consisting of: two restaurant units (c. 522 sq.m. and 221 sq.m. gross floor area respectively); 34 tourist retail outlet units (total gross floor area c. 5,432 sq.m., ranging in size from c. 47 sq.m. to c. 600 sq.m.), mezzanine floor levels in proposed units 62, 63, 69a, 69b and 70; a tourist information centre (c. 170 sq.m. gross floor area); public toilets (c. 138sq.m. gross floor area); ancillary management office space/customer services facility (c. 570 sq.m. gross floor area) at first floor level of units 85 and 86 and of the tourist information centre; change of use of existing unit 53 (c. 195 sq.m.) from café/restaurant to tourist retail outlet; and an expansion of car parking facility resulting in 409 net additional car parking spaces (448 proposed spaces less reduction on existing outlet village of 39 spaces). The proposed development also comprises; revisions to existing access road from the Nurney Road access; a new vehicular exit only onto the Nurney Road including provision of raised median line on Nurney Road; a pedestrian link between the proposed development and the adjoining Tesco development; partial reconfiguration of existing car park and movement routes; ancillary signage; landscaping and boundary works; and all ancillary services and site development works. The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Kildare Started on 2015-08-26 take the free trial here.