A three-storey advanced office building [of gross area 4544 sqm]. The proposed development also provides for all site development works including adjustment to site levels, internal access roads, car parking, cycle parking, footpaths, open space, public lighting, signage zones on buildings, podium signage, landscaping, services, boundary treatments and all associated site works. Proposed civil engineering site works will include new watermain connection to existing watermain, new storm drainage connection to existing public stormwater sewer, new foul drainage connection to an existing manhole located 700m to the north west of the site entrance (at the next roundabout on plassey park road). New foul sewer line to be constructed to allow this connection. Improvement works will also be undertaken at the annacotty roundabout to include revised road marking, road signage and relocated pedestrian crossings.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Limerick Started on 4th April 2018 take the free trial here.