Refurbishment works to the existing 6-storey office building (c.10,836 sq.m gfa), to include: demolition of a single storey ground floor office annex (c.2,530 sq.m. gfa), adjoining the north of the existing building; lowering of the ground floor podium by c.1.1m. to facilitated design revision to western and eastern building entrance at ground floor level; internal refurbishment, reconfiguration and fit out of the existing office building as exempted development (c.8,170 sq.m. gfa excluding roof plant); replacement of all external building facades; consolidation of plant at roof level (c.136 sq.m.) and associated screening; new external terrace (c.150 sq.m.) adjoining the building to the east at surface level; 30 no. new bicycle parking spaces to the west of the building; refurbishment of existing building curtilage including landscaped forecourt and entrance areas; temporary builders compound; and, all associated site development works and landscaping.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 30th March 2015 take the free trial here.