Permission for development consisting of (i) Construction of 58 no. Dwellings [20 no. Two-storey, three-bedroom, semi-detached dwellings (20 no. Of which feature optional attic level accommodation to comprise additional storage and a fourth bedroom); 6 No. Two-storey, four-bedroom, detached dwellings (6 no. Of which feature optional attic level accommodation to comprise additional storage and a fifth bedroom); 12 No. Two-storey, three bedroom, semi-detached dwellings, (6 no. Of which feature optional attic level accommodation, with roof lights, to comprise additional storage and a fourth bedroom) and 20 no. Part two, part three-storey (split level), three- bedroom terraced dwellings ]. Each dwelling will comprise private amenity space, 2 no. On-curtilage parking spaces and optional roof mounted solar panels. All detached and semi-detached dwellings will be provided with roof lights; (ii) Creation of new vehicular entrance from Carnew Road (r725); (iii) Landscaped public open space including playgorund; Tree planting, boundary treatments; street lighting; internal roadways (including provision for future vehicularand pedistrian connections to the inner relief roadrelief road on the northen side of the Aapplication site), footpaths and shared surfaces (IV) foul and suds drainage; and (V) all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wexford Started on 2018-08-20 take the free trial here.

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