The development will consist of the part extension of the Camden Court Hotel by 2 additional floors to make a total of 8 stories within the existing spine block to the rear (c. 906sqm), the further extension of the hotel with an additional 8 storey block (c. 2,936sqm) within the existing courtyard to the rear (including replacement rooftop plant), all in external finishes of glass and powder coated aluminium. The proposed development will comprise 75 additional bedrooms (to provide a total of 322 bedrooms), 4 conference rooms, one lift and ancillary accommodation totalling c. 3,842qm. The development will include new plant at roof level; modifications to the existing basement layout including the reduction in car parking provision from 93 to 73 spaces and all associated site development and site excavation works above and below ground. The development will also include public realm upgrades to the pedestrian route from Charlotte way through the subject site including resurfacing works.

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Camden Court Hotel

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