The development will consist of a nursing home including modifications to, partial demolition of, and change of use of the existing dwelling house (two storey) to accommodate reception, social, consultation and treatment rooms. The construction of two story glazed links to two blocks. Block a (three storey and part basement) accommodating chapel, mortuary, 75 no. Single bedrooms, 2 no. Double bedrooms (total 77 bedrooms or 79 bed spaces). Block b (three storey) accommodating 50 no. Single bedrooms, 14 no. Double bedrooms (total 64 bedrooms or 78 bed spaces) kitchen and ancillary facilities. Two storey service annexe including plant rooms, transformer rooms, laundry and staff facilities. Ancillary lounges, dining, sitting rooms and treatment rooms, terraces and balconies to each block (total 141 bedrooms or 157 bed spaces). Demolition of existing caretakers dwelling and stables (single storey). Ancillary site works and landscaping including modifications to existing entrances, construct

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2017-08-22 take the free trial here.

Balroy House

Plans Granted

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