Alterations to the existing site know as Clontarf Baths to include the restoration of the existing seawater baths facility with supporting facilities and the provision of a single storey restaurant and cafe bar. The proposal of a single storey restaurant and cafe bar. The proposal includes the following; the restoration of the existing seawater swimming pool area including, the refurbishment and upgrading of the existing perimeter swimming pool wall, the provision of changing cubicles, ancillary plant and storage areas at the existing baths lower level and the construction of a single storey lifeguard viewing room at the existing baths upper level; the demolition of the existing derelict one storey structures on site and the construction of a single storey pavilion restaurant and cafe bar (350.2sqm) with associated ancillary accommodation and covered terrace area including the integration of a flood protection wall to link with Dublin City Councils proposed Clontarf Flood defence scheme as approved by An Bord Pleanala (reg ref 29N.JA0008). All including modifications to existing landscaped area fronting onto Clontarf Road including an additional independent pedestrian access to the swimming pool area and the provision of 15 car parking spaces and 47 bicycle parking spaces.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Started on 1st November 2016 take the free trial here.

Clontarf Baths


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