Replacement filling station on a larger site including; 1) Demolition of 10 existing structures (554.7sqm) including the existing filling station. 2) Construction of new shop building (gfa 612.7sqm) containing 4 food offers (including take-away) retail area (net floor area of 100sqm, including off-licence of 9.3sqm), back of house area (286.6sqm) and multiple signage on elevations. 3) Construction of 6 pump islands with branded canopy over. 4) 1 Car wash facility. 5) All associated site works including dedicated HCV parking, car parking, landscaping, boundary treatment, footpaths, sheep ramp, retaining walls, main ID sign, road markings, interceptors, surfacing, attenuation, new entrance arrangements to adjoining property, upgrading of onsite foul pump station and widening, realigning and lengthening of existing culverting the Carrigeen Stream.

To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Dublin Started on 2018-01-22 take the free trial here.

Applegreen Service Station & Tootenhill House


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