Development consisting of a two storey linked extension to the South East of the existing post primary school building containing 4 No. Classrooms, 1 No. Music Room, 1 No. Science Room and associated spaces, 1 No. Pastoral Office, 7 No. Tuition Rooms, circulation space, toilet facilities and all associated site works including new access roadway to Visitor/Drop off carpark and additional parking spaces.


Construction of a two storey linked extension to the South East of the existing post primary school building containing 4 No. Classrooms, 1 No. Music Room, 1 No. Science Room and associated spaces, 1 No. Pastoral Office, 7 No. Tuition Rooms, circulation space, toilet facilities and all associated site works including new access roadway to Visitor/ Drop off Carpark and additional parking spaces, and all associated site works.

To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Started on 13th June 2016 take the free trial here.

Gaelcholaiste Mhuire (A.G)


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