The development will consist of alterations to previously approved Planning Permission, Planning Authority Ref. 2692/16, An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29N.247314. The alterations to include: a reduction in the floor to floor heights of the proposed development; the addition of a single floor of hotel bedroom accommodation providing for a three to seven storey Hotel building (progressively set back at its fourth and seventh storeys) resulting in a net increase of building height from currently permitted 20.6 metres above existing ground level to a proposed main roof parapet height of 21.8 metres above existing ground level;

Provision of a screened rooftop plant enclosure and lift over-run; omission of the previously permitted basement level of 730 sq m gross floor area; alterations to internal layouts including relocation of lifts and staircases resulting in an increase in bedroom room numbers from the currently permitted 96 No. bedrooms to a proposed 160 No. bedrooms; alterations to hotel public areas at Ground Level including omission of Hotel Restaurant and Kitchen; repositioning of the Hotel Public Entrance on the proposed West elevation to Benburb Street to allow for the inclusion of a separate Cafe/restaurant unit of 292 sq m gross floor area at the corner of Benburb Street and Wood Lane; revisions to previously approved elevations;

The omission of 3 no. currently permitted car parking spaces; an increase from currently permitted 10 No. bicycle parking spaces to a proposed 20 No. bicycle parking spaces; revisions to hard and soft landscaping proposals to Benburb Street and Wood Lane; amended signage; revisions to location of ancillary plant, stormwater attenuation and ESB sub-station together with revisions to site development and site excavation works above and below ground. The alterations give a reduction in the previously permitted gross floor area of 3,904 sq m to a proposed gross floor area of 3,655 sq m.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2020-01-16 take the free trial here.

28-31 Benburb Street & 6-9 Wood Lane

Plans Granted

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