The proposed development comprises a residential scheme of 50 no. Dwellings units in a mixture of 2 storey and 2 storey plus dormer houses and a 3-storey duplex apartment building (approx. Gfa 6,529. 1msq). The 37 no. Proposed houses shall comprise of 21 no. 2-storey 3-bedroom houses, 1 no. 2-storey 4-bedroom house, and 15 no. 2-storey plus dormer 4-bedroom houses; 74 no. Car parking spaces provided on-curtilage. The 13 no. Proposed apartments, accommodated in 1 no. 3-storey duplex apartment building, shall comprise of: 1 no. 1-bedroom unit, 6 no. 2-bedroom units, and 6 no. 3-bedroom units; together with 23 no. Allocated and visitor car parking spaces, 1 no. Bin store, and 2 no. Bike shelters accommodating 20 no. Bicycle parking spaces. The proposed development also comprises all ancillary site development works, landscaping and boundary treatment, including: 2 no. Pedestrian/cyclist access points off dunmurray road, a pedestrian/cyclist access point off the proposed southern internal
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2019-09-04 take the free trial here.