10 year planning permission for phase 1(4577sqm gfa) of a masterplan development including: light industrial/commercial park(4538sqm) across 3 no. Blocks, & will include:(a) 1 no. 2-storey office block(951sqm);(b) 1 no. Warehouse(2425sqm) incorporating office space(2-storey) & service yard; (c) 1no. Industrial block(1162sqm) consisting of 2 no. Workshops & office sapce (2-storey);(d) provision for a pumping station incorporating pumping chambers & kiosk with control room(39sqm);(e) engineering works, including rising mains(connecting to public sewer), surface water drain & watermain along n62;(f) removal of existing access & a 3-arm roundabout along n62 as well as new pedestrian access; (g)landscaping, footpaths, boundary treatments, signage, car parking (122), esb substation, attenuation tanks & associated site development works
To find out more details on this Office Development in Tipperary take the free trial here.