1. Demolition of existing car showroom (710 sq.m.) and ancillary site features including petrol pumps; 2. Construction of a new single storey shop building (422 sq.m.) comprising of retail area (with ancillary off-licence use), cafe area, kitchen, restaurant area (with ancillary drive thru facility), seating area, play area, storage and ancillary areas. 3. Construction of a new forecourt with 6 no. pump islands and canopy over. 4. Installation of 3 no. 40,000L underground fuel storage tanks, associated pipework and overground fill points; 5. Installation of 1 no. jet wash facility, 1 no. brush wash facility, and a single storey car wash recycle building. 6. Installation of 1 no. main ID sign. 7. Construction of all ancillary site works including screened bin compound, signage, boundary treatments, landscaping and car parking.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Started on 2014-06-18 take the free trial here.

Des Darcy Motors


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