Permission for change of use from a retail and storage premises to a public house at 89 West Street, Drogheda which includes a link building to the rear of 89 West Street and a building to the rear of 89 & 90 West Street which is adjacent to an existing car park at the rear boundary. Permission is also sought for replacement of existing corrugated roof with a slated roof and provision of new hardwood windows to the rear of 89 & 90 West Street which is adjacent to an existing car park at the rear boundary. Permission is also sought for erection of a single storey extension over a void area to the rear of 91 West Street. The extension will be constructed to the side of the rear building to 89 & 90 West Street and on the rear boundary with the adjoining car park. The extension will contain seating, store room and stairs and will have pedestrian access to the car park. The car park entrance is from Duke Street. Permission is also sought for the completion of the construction of a partially reconstructed link building to the rear of 89 West Street which will include a new slated roof, hardwood windows and doors. Permission is also sought for the replacement of the existing shop front with new traditional style hardwood shop front and associated lighting and signage. Retention Permission is sought for partial demolition and partial reconstruction of a derelict modern link building to the rear of the main building at 89 West Street.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Louth Started on 20th July 2015 take the free trial here.

89 West Street


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