The development will consist of revisions and change of use of existing vacant accommodation (previously permitted and constructed under reg Ref: 2717/06 (Bord Ref: PL29N.220629) comprising: Change of use and reconfiguration of 3 no. ground floor retail units (188.06sq.m) to provide 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 1 no. live work (1 bed) unit and change of use and reconfiguration of previously permitted retail unit located on the south-western corner of Block C (involving reduction in size from 101.09sq.m to 54.7sq.m including associated mezzanine area and ancillary toilets) to accommodate a commercial/office unit (class 2- professional services). Change of use and reconfiguration of office accommodation (3no. first floor office units totalling 201.61sq.m) to 3no. apartments (2no. 1 bed units and 1no. 2 bed unit). Permission is also sought for associated elevational changes to the southern and northern elevations of Block C, including revisions to provide residential private open spaces for the apartments at ground and first floor and all associated site and development works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Started on 13th April 2015 take the free trial here.

Block C


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