Permission and Retention Permission for development on this site (0.75078ha) at the Aspect Hotel, Nangor Road, Cherry Orchard, Dublin 12. The proposed development will comprise/comprises: Permission for a 7 storey extension of 3,704sq.m to the existing hotel. Existing hotel (6,837sq.m) comprises 146 bedrooms. The proposed extension will consist of 78no. bedrooms; a new conference room, kitchen, toilets and all ancillary uses, and accommodation. Retention permission for part of the existing surface car park (permitted under Reg.Ref. 2930/06) and permission for modifications to the existing surface carpark which reduce the existing parking area from 99no. spaces to 85no. spaces and which include an additional 26no. car parking spaces to the north of the hotel bringing the total to 111 spaces. The proposal requires the realignment of the access roads to the north and south of the development and includes landscaping, lighting, bin storage shelter (30.8sq.m) and all associated site and development works.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Applied for on 5th July 2018 take the free trial here.

The Aspect Hotel

Plans Applied

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