Construct (1) a two storey over basement building, comprising new reception, lounge, bar, restaurant and ancillary accommodation at ground and first floor, together with kitchen, store rooms, staff welfare facilities and plant rooms at basement level, (2) first floor roof terrace to north, (3) a basement level service corridor from the new basement level to the existing car parking area, (4) a two storey link building between the new reception area and existing function room / leisure building, (5) an extension to the north of the existing main guest room accommodation block to accommodate new stairs and lift circulation serving basement and five above ground storeys, (6) re-appointment and extension of existing car parking area to provide a dedicated service / delivery area, (7) associated external works including re-construction of existing foundation, re-connection of the existing stormwater and foul drainage, (8) associated site works and landscaping, including fire-tender access road.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Kerry Started on 31st March 2017 take the free trial here.