We, Glenveagh Homes Ltd, intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site of c.7.71 ha at Hollywoodrath Road (R121) in Hollystown Dublin 15. The site is bound by the R121 to the south and east with emerging residential areas of Hollywoodrath beyond the R121; existing residential areas of Redwood and The Oaks to the north and east; and the remaining former Hollystown Golf Course Lands to the west. The proposed development will consist of: 69 no. houses comprising 52 no. 2-storey houses and 17 no. 3-storey houses(13 no. 2-bed units, 39 no. 3-bed units, 17 no. 4-bed units), private open spaces (including terraces at first and second floor level), carports incorporated into the footprint of each dwelling (providing 125 no, parking spaces) that also accommodate bike storage (138 no. cycle spaces) and refuse storage, and all associated roads, services, visitor parking(13 no. car spaces and 8 no. cycle spaces), public open spaces (Class 2), changes in level, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments where required on a residential area of c.1.94 ha. The proposed development also includes:1. The construction of a new foul outfall sewer (c.0.97 ha), approx. 3km in length to connect to the existing 600mmdiameter foul sewer to the south of Powerstown Road which will include decommissioning of the existing Pump House south of Hollystown Park.2. The construction of a new vehicular entrance off Hollywoodrath Road (R121), a new footpath and cycle path along the northern and western side of the R121 along the site frontage extending south to the existing Toucan crossing facility over the R121, and provision of 2 no. new Toucan crossings on the R121 (c.0.53 ha).3. The development of proposed (Class 1) public open space including walking routes, seating areas, kick-about area, playground, dog park, associated landscaping works including planting, changes in level and boundary treatments, and 10 no, public cycle parking spaces (c.3.5 ha). 4. The development of ancillary landscaped areas and sustainable urban drainage systems under the existing ESB power lines (c.0.77 ha), and all associated ancillary site development infrastructure including ESB sub-station, public lighting, and foul and surface water drainage; internal roads & footpaths; and all associated engineering and site works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-07-20 take the free trial here.