Permission for completion of the development (as originally permitted under D05A/1159) and will provide for the following: 3no. 14 storey residential blocks comprising a total of 492 no. apartments (410 no.2-beds and 82no. 1-beds ranging in size from c.51 sqm. to c.89 sqm.). 1 no. retail unit (c.152sq.m.), 1 no. cafe (c.148sq.m.) and 1 no. crèche (c.374sq.m.) with outdoor play area at Block 1. Modifications to and completion of basement (3 levels) now providing a total of 1,551 car spaces, 849 no. bicycles spaces apartment storage, bin storage and plant/service areas. New basement ramp access from Carmanhall Road and modifications to existing access from Blackthorn Drive with removal of temporary ramp to Level -2. Landscape works including completion of boulevard/civic space and provision of 3 no. communal courtyards. Provision of substation and LV/meter rooms (total floor area 105sq.m.) and 108 short term bicycle parking spaces at ground level. All associated site development works, services provision, and boundary treatment works. Total gross floor area of the new development is c.57,256 sqm. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been submitted with this application.

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