The development which will have a total gross floor area of 7,892 sq.m. will consist of an extension to the Semple Woods housing development comprising: the construction of 76 No. residential units including 56 No. two storey houses (4 No. 2 bed units and 52 No. 3 bed units ranging in size from 81 sq.m. to 114 sq.m.) and a three storey building comprising 20 No. duplex units (10 No. two bed units and 1o No. three bed units ranging in size from 89 sq.m. to 125 sq.m). The duplex units will include balconies/terraces facing north-east and south west. The development will also comprise: vehicular access to the subject lands from Semple Woods to the north which includes partial demolition of a wall; pedestrian connections to Semple Woods including the partial demolition of a wall and chain link fence; 130 No. car parking spaces; bicycle parking; bin storage plant; photovoltaic panels; boundary treatments; lighting; pump station; attenuation basin; hard and soft landscaping (including class 1 and class 2 open space); changes in levels; and all other associated site works above and below ground.Development is located on a 2.48 Ha site located off Hearse Road, Donabate, Co. Dublin. The lands are bounded to the north and north-east by and existing residential development at Semple Woods (permitted under FCC Reg. Ref. F17A/0113), to the south by the Donabate Distributor Road, to the west by low density residential development (with Hearse Road further beyond).A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2nd March 2021 take the free trial here.