Extension of duration of p08/2102 for the construction of a single storey retail development (7,075 sq m gross (with a maximum height of 8.8 m)) comprising 1 no. anchor store (5,487 sq m gross), 7 no. retail units (ranging from 93 to 268 sq m gross), and ancillary circulation space (650 sq m). the development will also include the provision of 283 no. surface car-parking spaces (ancillary to the retail use); recycling areas; plant; service yards; landscaping and boundary treatments; lighting; internal roads; bicycle parking; pedestrian walkways (including a new pedestrian link to ballyhaunis road); vehicular access points; signage; changes in level and all associated site development works above and below ground. Vehicular access to the site will be from the n60.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Mayo Granted permission on 2014-12-09 take the free trial here.

Clare (Kilbeg)

Plans Granted

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