The amalgamation of Units 25, 24 and 23 to form a production and warehouse building of approx. 21,353m² over 3 no. floors and a height not greater than 16.5m at its highest point along with a 133 space staff car park at Unit 21A. Unit 25: Alterations to elevations including removal of existing glazed feature bay, and provision of brise soleil to front elevation (east), single storey corridor extension along front elevation, single storey loading bay extension on the western elevation, external plant room and water storage tanks along the southern boundary, security hut at the main entrance on the eastern boundary, alterations and landscaping to existing car park including provision of 2 no. bicycle shelters, automatic access barriers, new pedestrian entrance from Grange Parade, replacement of existing front boundary wall and railings along Grange Parade, provision of an acoustic fence to the southern and western boundaries along with all associated site works. Unit 24: Extension to northern side of Unit 25 consisting of production rooms and plant rooms on ground floor, plant rooms and canteen on 1st floor and plant rooms, laboratories and offices on 2nd floor, external plant to western side of extension, relocation of main entrance, replacement of existing front boundary wall and railings along Grange Parade, new pedestrian entrance from Grange Parade, provision of and acoustic fence to the western boundary, alterations and landscaping to existing car park along with all associated site works including the provision of an underground surface water attenuation system. Unit 23: Demolition of existing 3 storey industrial building, remedial works to exposed party wall of Unit 22, extension to northern side of Unit 25 consisting of production rooms, plant rooms, warehouse and loading bays on ground floor, plant rooms on 1st floor and plant rooms, laboratories and offices on 2nd floor, external plant to northern side of extension, new gas skid, replacement of existing front boundary wall and railings along Grange Parade, new pedestrian and vehicular entrance from Grange Parade, provision of an acoustic fence to the northern and western boundaries, alterations and landscaping to existing car park along with all associated site works including the provision of and underground surface water attenuation system. Unit 21A: Demolition of existing 2 storey office building and structures, construction of new surface car park consisting of 133 car spaces, provision for motorcycle spaces, bicycle shelter, automatic access barriers, lighting, landscaping and new boundary treatments including the provision of an underground surface water attenuation system. An EIS will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. The EIS will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of the Planning Authority.

To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Dublin Started on 19th June 2014 take the free trial here.

Unit 25, 24, 23 & 21A Grange Parade


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