To extend and modify existing Creamery, the proposed works include: (1) single storey extension to Product Store 1, (2) single storey extension to loading bay, (3) single storey extension to Refrigeration room, (4) single storey new Electrical room, (5) single storey new MV Switch room, (6) first floor transformer room over existing staff changing room, (7) single storey extension to existing Product Store 2, (8) single storey enclosure to entrance of existing Production Room 5, (9) new raised roofs over existing Production rooms and (10) M.C.C. room to height of existing roofs together with access ladders, two cream silos and associated site development works. The site currently has an EPA IPPC/IED Licence Reg. No. P0406-03 (currently under review Reg No. P0406-04).

To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Cavan Started on 2015-07-30 take the free trial here.



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