The development will consist of alteration to existing corporate signage as follows: 2 no. 3. 25m x 0. 6m signs, 1 no. 2. 7m x 0. 6m sign and 2no. 0. 72m x 0. 72m projecting signs on the front (Talbot Street) elevation. 2 no. 3. 25m x 0. 6m signs on side (James Joyce Street) elevation 1 no. 3. 25m x 0. 6m sign on rear (Foley Street) elevation at this site Supervalu, 27-32 Talbot Street, Dublin 1.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-11-27 take the free trial here.

27-32 Talbot Street

Plans Granted

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