Permission to carry out development works at Nos. 13-18 (inc) Patrick Street, Templemore and an area to the rear of No. 12 part of an Architectural Conservation Area. The development will consist of residential units, one large retail unit with frontage to Patrick Street and single-storey extension to the rear, integrated with part of the front building to form a supermarket with ancillary accommodation, associated car parking and external works. Generally, the Patrick St frontage including roofs will be retained but with some refenestration to achieve restoration of character, the provision of a one new shopfront in lieu of three existing shopfronts and alterations to gable of No 18. Pedestrian access to and vehicular exit from carpark will be integrated in the new shopfront. Vehicular access to car park will be via the laneway at No 18 which will be widened, entailing the rebuilding of the gable of No 18, associated elevational alterations and works to form vehicular access. Modern rear extensions to Nos 13-16 will be removed.

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Mixed Development Extension in Tipperary

Patrick Street

Plans Applied

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