To erect a single storey secure residential supported living centre incorporating inter alia 32 bedrooms, kitchen and dining areas, administration areas, an associated single storey resource centre including recreation and activity rooms and outdoor activity space. The development provides for optional photovoltaic / solar panels on front and / or rear roof slopes to the supported living centre. The development also provides for an associated area for growing vegetables and keeping farm animals and incorporating polytunnels, green house and external craft area along with 41 no. car parking spaces, cycle stand, upgrade to an existing access road including upgrade to junction between the site access road and the public road, Kingscourt to Carrickmacross Road (R179), and all associated site development works that includes a wood pellet storage shed, proprietary wastewater treatment plant and associated wetland reed bed, alterations to site levels, landscaping and boundary treatment
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Cavan take the free trial here.