Development comprising 6 no. detached, two-storey dwellings on 0.9ha. (gross) site (0.8ha site area net of sewer wayleave )and for all associated site development, road, boundary and landscaping works on 0.8ha. Site. Vehicular access to be from existing driveway which is to be widened, with widened junction with cookstown rd (l1020). The proposal includes removal of trees from the road boundary opposite the access, to provide sightlines for vehicles. Foul sewage to drain via new gravity main from 0.8ha. Site through adjacent lands on south side of cookstown rd. To connect to permitted found sewage pumping station to west (wicklow co. Council ref. No. 14/1704: an bord pleanala ref. No. Pl27. 246401, grant of permission for 26 dwellings), which then discharges by gravity to public main in church hill 8(r460). Area of sewer wayleave 0.1ha.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Granted permission on 2016-10-21 take the free trial here.