The development will consist of (1) Permission for alterations to the Main Retail/Medical Use/Office Building ( fronting onto the Limerick Road ) to include (i) Change of use of first floor Office/Medical Centre to offices ( 152.4sq.m) and to storage ( 334sq.m) to serve as ancillary space to Ground Floor Retail Unit No. 1 (ii) Alterations to internal layout at ground floor level to include for a minor extension of the gross floor area of Retail Unit No. 1 into Retail Unit No. 2 ( by 20.8sq.m), to provide for a stairwell and toilet, to serve Retail Unit No. 1 and (iii) Change of use of Retail Unit No. 2 ( to be reduced in size to 115 sq.m), to use as an Off-Licence, (iv) Change of use of Retail Unit No. 4 (143sq.m) to use as a coffee shop with internal seating. (2) Permission for minor revisions to signage along front elevation of Main Retail/Office Building. RETENTION of minor external alterations to both the approved Main Retail/Office building, and to the Creche Building to the rear of the site, (3) RETENTION of ESB Sub Station Building to rear ( west ) of the Main Building and (4) RETENTION of internal layout, together with associated site works and services.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Clare Applied for on 21st March 2019 take the free trial here.