For (1) demolition of existing service station building, canopy and fuel dispensing pump islands, decommission existing car washes, fuel tanks and associated pipework and to remove associated forecourt equipment; (2) demolition of adjacent single storey detached dwelling, “The Bungalow” to the west of the service station on the R672; (3) development of a two storey service station retail/services building with a ground floor area of 505 sqm and first floor area of 200sqm including convenience shop (100 sqm net retail floor space) ancillary off licence sales, hot food sales, drive thru facility, seated dining area with ancillary kitchens, stores, toilets and staff facilities with service yard to rear; (4) construction of a service station forecourt with canopy, 4 no.fuel dispensing pump islands and associated under-ground fuel storage tanks; (5) Install 3 no. main ID signs, erect canopy signage and shop fascia signage and; (6) construction of ancillary site features including refuse compound, drainage, overground fill points to fuel tanks, service bay, parking bays, line marking, directional signage and boundary treatments at Campus Service Station, N24 and R672
To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Waterford Granted permission on 19th December 2017 take the free trial here.