The construction of a new temporary single storey prefabricated Special Education Needs unit at the front of the site to replace the accommodation within two existing sub-standard prefabricated units at the rear and side of the existing school and to provide decant accommodation to allow for the future redevelopment of the school. The proposed unit will be located in the south west corner of the existing site (at the front of the site) between the existing R413 public roadside boundary and the existing school building. The new accommodation shall consist of a Sensory Room, Communal Room, equipment store, 6 No. classrooms, Art Room, Changing Room, toilet facilities, One to One Room, Quiet Room, Waiting Area, all other ancillary accommodation, a new single storey canopy between the new prefabricated building and the existing school, a temporary playground together with all associated siteworks and fittings. The works will also include the installation of a new temporary low level crash barrier adjacent to and outside of the existing timber post rail fence adjacent to the proposed prefabricated building. The works will also include the removal of the non native Leylandii trees on the school site located along both the south west and north west boundaries of the site in order to facilitate the installation of the proposed prefabricated building

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