The development will consist of the omission of permitted basement level -3 (5,812 sq m gross floor area) and basement level -4 (5,812 sq m gross floor area). The development also comprises the internal reorganisation of the layout and associated alterations to the floor area at basement level -2 and basement level -1 to include: the reclassification of office storage for office use at basement level -1 (1,136 sq m gross floor area) and basement level -2 (1,582 sq m gross floor area) ; the omission of part of the leisure centre from basement level -2 (537 sq m) and an increase in the size of the permitted leisure centre at basement level -1 by 47 sq m (1,907 sq m permitted gross floor area over basement levels -1 and -2 to 1,417 sq m proposed gross floor area at basement level -1); the omission of retail storage from basement level -1 (810 sq m); the reduction in the floor area of ancillary areas (which includes car parking, circulation, plant, storage areas, cycle facilities etc.) by 488 sq m at basement level -1 (5,255 sq m permitted gross floor area to 4,767 sq m proposed gross floor area) and by 1,160 sq m at basement level -2 ( 6,898 sq m proposed gross floor area) ( the number of residential stores is reducing from 105 No. to 88 No. to reflect the permitted number of residential units); the rearrangement of 220 No. permitted car parking spaces on foot of the omission of basement level -3 to provide 52 No. at basement level -1 and 168 No. at basement level -2 ( 225 No. car parking spaces were referred to in the statutory notices for the parent permission; however 220 No. were illustrated on the drawings); a reduction in bicycle parking by 34 No. spaces (335 No. permitted to 301 No. proposed); the relocation of the landscaped courtyard from basement level -1 to ground floor level; and associated alterations to permitted site servicing ( foul and surface water drainage and water supply). The total gross floor areas of basement level -1 and basement level -2 now proposed are 7,320 sq m and 7,320 sq m respectively ( a reduction of 115 sq m in each basement due to secant wall pile thickness). There are no alterations proposed to the permitted developments floor area above ground.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-04-10 take the free trial here.