The proposed development comprises a change of use of a ground floor cafe / retail unit (approximately 215 sq. M) and external landscaped courtyard space, as permitted and constructed under dcc reg. Ref. 2163/09 (as extended in duration under dcc planning ref. 2163/09/x1) and subsequently amended under dcc ref. 4014/15 (abp ref. Pl29s. 246130), to restaurant use. Permission is also sought for the use of the permitted external courtyard space as an ancillary outside seating to be used in connection with the proposed restaurant, and the installation of an associated ventilation extraction system to serve the proposed restaurant. An extension of the permitted hours of operation of the unit is proposed from 07h00 until 23h00 (monday to sunday). The proposal will result in the following revised mix of uses – a total of 5,866 sq. M (including 325 sq. M of ancillary storage space) of office floorspace; 215 sq. M of restaurant floorspace and 1,867 sq. M of gym floorspace (gfa).
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2019-10-04 take the free trial here.