Phase 1 of the approved Broomfield LAP lands. The development will comprise of 61 no. two storey dwellings with associated on-curtilage parking, neighbourhood centre containing three retail units, with associated parking and a reserved site for a disability care facility unit and a housing unit adapted for special needs(subject to a future planning application). The development will be served via a new vehicular and pedestrian access (replacing existing road junction) from Back Road. The main spine road through this development will link to and serve the Southern Development Area Broomfield LAP lands. The development also includes for pedestrian and cyclists linkages, landscaping, boundary treatments, ESB sub-station, foul sewer works connecting to Kinsealy Lane, SUDS surface water drainage works together with all other associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. The works also propose the demolition of three dwellings(one of which is a derelict dwelling).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2020-03-09 take the free trial here.