04 Aug 2021 Extension of Duration request lodged for the completion of proposed development.
22 Jun 2021 Construction commenced of Phase 2 of proposed development consisting of a 5-8 Storey Apartment Building With Ground floor substation and retail.
12 April 2021 Construction commenced of Phase 1 of Proposed Residential Block 5 at Charlemont Street,Dublin 2 – Substructure Works (Piling, Foundations, Drainage, Service Ducting, Ground Floor Slab construction including waterproofing and radon membrane) as per submitted Phasing Plan to facilitate Proposed Construction of a 5-8 Storey Apartment Building.
07 Sep 2020 Construction commenced of an additional floor on an existing 6 story residential dwelling (Block 4) at Charlemount Street.
13 Jan 2020 Demolition works commenced and associated temporary and enabling works at No. 22 Richmond Street.
26 Aug 2019 Construction commenced of Block 4 consisting of a 4-6 Storey Apartment building with a ground floor retail
29 May 2019 Construction commenced of 2 additional floors on Block 2 which will now be a 7 storey over ground floor office building.
24 May 2019 Construction commenced of an extension to the proposed single storey carpark beneath the seven storey mixed use development at Block 3 Charlemont.
26 Aug 2019 Construction commenced of a 4-6 Storey Apartment building with a ground floor retail at Charlemont Street.
17 Dec 2018 Construction commenced of a proposed office building No. 2 of the Charlemont Street development which comprises of 5 stories of office accommodation over ground floor.
26 Feb 2018 Construction commenced of a 6 storey Office Block (Block 1 Commercial, Charlemont) over double basement car park to serve future mixed use development.
16 Jan 2018 Enabling works commenced for Block 1 of the proposed development.
18 Dec 2015 Construction commenced of Block 3 of the proposed development consisting of a 4-7 storey block comprising 79 No. Apartments/ Duplex Units, Ground Floor Offices (c. 326sq.m), Ground Floor Creche/commercial (c. 128sq.m) and a Community Centre at Ground Floor and lower basement level.
Alcove Properties seeks a 10 year permission for development at Charlemont Street/Tom Kelly Road, Dublin 2 (measuring approximately 2 hectares). The site is located in an urban block bounded to the east by Charlemont Street, to the south by Charlemont Mall, to the west by Richmond Street South and by Harcourt Road to the north. Tom Kelly Road, which is a cul-de-sac, partially bisects the site and is oriented in a north-east to south-west direction from its access junction with Charlemont Street.
The proposed mixed-use regeneration project, including the provision of a new public street from Charlemont Street towards Richmond Street South, involves the rehousing of the existing community and the provision of a total of 260no. residential units and incorporated a significant office element with retail, restaurant and multiplex cinema uses and community sports centre in an overall development quantum of c.53,275sqm of gross floor space. The development is comprised of c.27,103sqm of residential floor space, c.19,917sqm of office floor space, c.852sqm of community floor space, c.135sqm of childcare/retail floor space and c.5,268sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail/cinema floor space. The development will be contained within 5no. blocks ranging in height from four to eight storeys and includes 381no. car parking spaces at basement level with ramped access off Charlemont Street and the new east-west public street, 4no. on street public parking spaces and a set-down area.
The proposed development will include the demolition of all structures on site including all habitable dwellings. The development also includes all public realm works, community facilities, ancillary landscaping, site preparation and excavation works, utilities connections, ESB Substations, a 16m x 9m outdoor sports court and all other works ancillary to the regeneration project. The nature and extent of development proposed in each block is as follows:
Block 1: This block with a total gross floor space of 11,882sqm is 6 storeys in height and contains: c.6,639sqm of residential use comprising 63no. residential units (3no. 1 bed, 50no. 2 bed, and 10no. 3 bed units); c.4,231sqm of office floor space; and c.952sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail floor space (including 383sqm of convenience retail floor space). Balconies are provided for all the residential units.
Block 2: This block with a total gross floor space of 19,145sqm is 7-8 storeys in height and contains: c.15,344sqm of office floor space and c.3,801sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail/cinema floor space. This block also contains the 6 screen, 789no. seat multiplex cinema.
Block 3: This block with a total gross floor space of 9,876sqm is 5-7 storeys in height and contains: c.8,547sqm of residential use comprising 82no. residential units (16no. 1 bed, 44no. 2 bed, 18no. 3 bed and 4no. 4 bed units); c.342sqm of office floor space; a c.852sqm community sports centre (including hall, changing rooms, offices, and staff rooms and including an estate office of 52sqm) at basement and surface levels located within the internal courtyard; and c.135sqm of crèche/retail floor space. Balconies are provided for all the residential units.
Block 4: This block with a total gross floor space of 7,933sqm is 4-6storeys in height and contains; c.7,535sqm of residential use comprising 73no. residential units (13no. 1 bed, 32no. 2 bed, and 28no. 3 bed units) and c.398sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail floor space. Balconies are provided for all the residential units.
Block 5: This block with a total gross floor space of 4,499sqm is 4-5 storeys in height and contains: c.4,382sqm of residential use comprising 42no. residential units (4no. 1 bed, 30no. 2 bed and 8no. 3 bed units) and c.117sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail floor space. Balconies are provided for all the residential units. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and non-technical summary accompanies this application and will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of Dublin City Council.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 18th December 2015 take the free trial here.